
The fifth week of ARTS


Title: Longest Common Prefix
Solution: Java


I always want to change the mind of my loves, but I didn’t use the good way to do it. So I read How to Change a Mind this week.

To be honesty, I can’t get this article well, it is a little hard to me. But I got the following opinions from this topic.

  1. Firstly we should think or do like the people who we want to change.
  2. For scams, we should let the people lose the faith in the person not in the scams, it will be a better way. Quote the sentence:

    “Dylan did not need to lose his faith in what his elders were saying; he needed to lose his faith in them.”


    This week I leaned the way to unmount sshfs. sshfs is used to map(mount) a remote server dir to the local pc.
    sudo fusermount -u remote_dir // unmount sshfs 

BTW, I summarize the sample use of sshfs cmd as follows.


mkdir ~/remote_dir
sshfs -o idmap=user $USER@far:/dir ~/remote_dir


fusermount -u ~/dir

To add it to your /etc/fstab

sshfs#$USER@:/dir /home/$USER/remote_dir fuse defaults,idmap=user 0 0

sshfs $USER@:/dir /home/$USER/remote_dir // mount via terminal


Consolidating the foundation of Linux, basic cmds