
Consolidating the foundation of Linux, vim tips

Vim Tips

Here is Consolidating the foundation of Linux, vim, and I write this tips for my vim configuration, record my commonly used commands in the form of a memo, Here is My vim configuration.

# Commands Comment
apt install vim-gtk3 , or vim-gnome Install gvim
?ve[rsion] Print the vim information
vimdiff, gvimdiff, :vert diffsp[lit] diff comparision
vimtutor vim tutor with shell
:help user-manual User manual overview
:help usr_02.txt User manual
:help index All commands for each mode
:help insert-index/visual-index/... All commands for insert/visual/… mode
:help -t vim -t {tag}
:help E37 ‘error inf E37…’ explanation
:help <command> Command’s manual
:help w Common commands
:help c_Ctrl-D Command-line Editing commands
:help vimrCtrl-intro vimrc introduction
:r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim Read vimrc example
Ctrl-A or Tab Automaticly transfer $VIMRUNTIME as :r /usr/share/vim/vim80/
:help helphelp Help on help files
help help help on help commands
Command Line Editing: : / ? !
:help ex-edit-index All commands for command-line
/ ? Forward or reverse search, n, N - next/previous
:s replace , ‘:help :s’ to check the detail
:e[dit] edit or reload
:w,:r Write , Read
Ctrl-D, Tab AutoComplete the cmd or filename
:saveas <path/to/file> Save to <path/to/file>
:x, ZZ , :wq Save and quit (:x only save if necessary)
:q! Quit without saving, also: :qa! to quit even if there are modified hidden buffers
:bn/bp Next/previous file buffer
:[%]s/old/new/[gcI] Replace,% - whole file, gc globally and confirm, I - ?
:3,5s/old/new/g Replace from 3 to 5 line
:set hls[earch]/nonhls highlight all matching phrases or not
:set [no]ic, 'ignorecase' ignore upper/lower case when searching or not
\c Ignore capital, likes /ignor\c,:s/old\c/new/g
:set [no]is, 'incsearch' show partial matches for a search phrase or not
sp[lit] vs[p] :help split,Split screen horizontal or vertical
:vertical res/res + num Set the width or height
Ctrl-W + W/HJKL, Ctrl-[Shift]-Tab Move between/among splitted screens
Ctrl-W _(resp. Ctrl-W |) Maximise the size of the split (resp. vertical split)
Ctrl-W +(resp. Ctrl-W -) Grow (resp. shrink) split
Ctrl-W = Evenly allocate size
:set [no]scb, 'scrollbind' Sync the screens which this option is set
:Ctrl-D Show a list of commands
<TAB> Complete , likes :edi[t],:!fin[d] and others. like name
:set showmode Tell you which mode you are on the last line
:r !ls Put ls’s output below the cursor
:r <file> Put the contents of file below the cursor
:map Y y$ Map Y command yank to the end of line, map shortcut
:set [no]nu[mber] Hider/display line number
:set mouse=[all] Enable mouse usage (all modes)
:se[t] Show all options that differ from their default value
:se[t] all Show all but terminal options.
:set ft? Check filetype of the current file
Normal Mode: ESC Ctrl-[ Ctrl-C Back to Normal Mode
:help normal-index All commands for normal mode
[n]command Excute n times command, likes 10itest, insert 10 test
Ctrl-D/Ctrl-U,hjkl Move down or up,…
0,^,$,g_ Go to the first/last column or non-blank character
[N]G, :N Go to line N
gg,G Go to the start of the file, to last line
w, e , b 2w,3e Go to the start/end of next word, start of previous word
W,E,B Go to the start/end of next/previous Group(including space)
fa/F,, ; Go to next/previous ‘a’ on the line,3fa go to 3rd ‘a’, , ; next/previous
t,/T , ; Go to before/after ,, , ; next/previous
% Go to next corresponding item, likes ([{}],#ifdef/#endif)
*,# Go to next/previous occurence of the word, :set hls will highlight them
x,J Delete char, rm line break
Ctrl-A Increment the number
Shift-~ Case conversion
U/u,Ctrl-R Undo all latest changes on one line or undo one changes, redo changes
Ctrl-O,Ctrl-I Go to older/newer cursor possitons,support switching files
Ctrl-] jumps to the location of the tag given by the word under the cursor
Ctrl-T (pop tag) takes you back to the preceding position
Ctrl-G Prints the current file name, the cursor position, etc.
Te(gt gT),Ve[!],He[!] Create a Tab/Vertical/Horizontal page, gt/gT - next/previous, ! -> switch split place
EX commands:
:help ex-cmd-index All commands for ex-cmd
man vim
:!<command> :!which shutdown Excute shell command
Ctrl-Z fg Pause vim, back to vim
vim -pO/o[N] files... Open N/one(when N is omitted) tab page for each file,o Horizontal, O-Vertical
vim -n No swap file will be used
Ctrl-Shift-C,Ctrl-Shift-V Copy and Paste, supports outside of vim
Insert Mode: a i r s Enter Insert Mode
:help insert-index All commands for insert mode
r,R gR Replace mode,gR:visual mode replace
Ctrl-N, Ctrl-P Completion,complete the word from start of word
Visual Mode: v V Ctrl-V Ctrl-Q Enter visual Mode, CTRL-Q insteads Ctrl-V(used to paste) in Insert and Command-line mode.
:help visual-index All commands for visual mode
v/V/Ctrl-V Select char/line/block
Ctrl-V + Shift-I + ESC Add same content at beginning of all lines of block
Ctrl-V + [$] + Shift-A + ESC Add same content at the end of block[or all lines]
y,d Yank,delete selected content in visual mode
Y ,yy Yank the current line
J Join all lines together
<, > Indent to the left, to the right
= Auto indent
Op pending Mode c d y < >
c[N]{motion} c2w,ce,c$ Delete motion text and start insert
y,d{motion} y$,d$,dt{?}, Np Yank/Delete {motion} text, paste N times
y,d,D/d$ Yank,delete the selected content, delete until the end
Y ,yy Yank the current line
yl Yanks a letter
yaw Yanks a word
yas Yanks a sentence
yi( Yanks everything within ( and so on…
p pastes something after the cursor
P pastes something before the cursor
gp same as p but puts the cursor after the pasted selection
gP same as P and puts the cursor after the pasted selection
<, > Undent and indent
d, c, v, y + <numb>i/a + w, s(sentence), p, t(tag,XML..), [], {} ... c2i{
if (message == "sesame open") ‘a’ under the cursor
dw delete ‘ame ‘
diw delete ‘sesame’ ; delete inside word
daw delete ‘sesame ‘; delete a word
diW delete ‘“sesame’
daW delete ‘“sesame ‘
di" delete ‘sesame open’
da" delete ‘“sesame open”‘
di(,di) delete ‘message == “sesame open”‘
da(,da) delete ‘(message == “sesame open”)’
ysiw" add “” to word, word -> “word”
ysiW" add “” to string
cs"' “word” to ‘word’
cs[<em> [Mine] -> Mine
S<em> ‘word -> word‘ in visual mode
ds", dst remove “” , HTML tab
:1,10y, y10G yank 10 lines
`vim -c ‘normal 5G36 ‘`
\v, ve"0p replace the word under the cursor, efficient with ‘*’, ‘n’. \v -> viw"0p
:%s/**C-R /**/new/g replace the current searching(C-R /) content
move f[ind], t[ill]
gj, gk move screen line
(, ) previous / next senstence
{, } previous / next paragraph
D, d$, C, c$ delete , modify to the end of line
S, cc Modify line
s, cl l -> right move. delete one char and insert
U revoke all modifiation
Ctrl-B, Ctrl-F scoll window backword/forward
Ctrl-U, Ctrl-D scroll half a screen up/down
<num>G, <num>| go th line, column
H, M, L Top, Middle, Bottom of the current screen
Ctrl-E, Ctrl-Y Scroll screen, not move cursor
zt, zz, zb scroll the current line to top, middle, bottom
; repeat the recent searching by f, t …
, repeat the recent searching by f, t … reversely
n, N repeat the recent searching by /, ?
. Repeat last change
Windows and Tabs help :tab
:Ve, Te
Click Swith tabs, if click blank, create one tab
Ctrl-w s,v sp, vs
Ctrl-w w,W next or last
Ctrl-W n, :new New window
Ctrl-W c close current window excepte it is the last one.
Ctrl-W q quit the current window
Ctrl-W o only reserve the current window
Ctrl-W = resize all windows as the same size
<n>Ctrl-W _, :res[ize] <n> set the height of the window
<n>Ctrl-W |,:vertical res[ize] n set the width of the window
Ctrl-w -, Ctrl-w +, :res[ize] -n/+n increase/decrease the height
Ctrl-w >,< increase/decrease the width
Ctrl-W HJKL(capital) Maximize in a certain direction
:tab <cmd> new tab for
:tabs List all the tabs
:tabnew, :tabedit Open a new blank tab
:tabclose, Ctrl-w c Close the current tab
:tabn, gt go to next
:tabN, tabp, gT go to the previous tab
:tabf, :tabr[ewind],tabl go to the first ,last tab
Ctrl-w T Change the current window to a tab
F9 + Tab to show the recent used files in terminal
:set paste, :set nopaste Do not/ modify the format of the pasting content
:set autowrite autosave when swithching file
n|normal ggp, gg"+p switch to next and paste at the beginning, plaste system clipboard
Arguments and buffers vi *.c
:args list the files
args file replace args with file
:args **/*.cpp **/*.h ‘**’: open the relevant files, including the current directory and $(pwd)/${PWD}
:n[ext], :N[ext]/:prev[ious] go to the previous file
:first, :rewind go to the fiirst file
:last go to the last file
:buffers, :ls Check the buffers,’%a’: the current file, ‘#’:the recent buffer, ‘+’: Modified buffer
b[uffer]<num> Jump to buffer
bd[elete], bw Delete one buffer
bn, bN/bp, bl/bf Jump to next, the previous, last/first
Ctrl-^, 1Ctrl-^ Jump between the two recent buffers ,or to the first
Supper Mode
v+:->:'<,'>w flie Save selected content in a new file
./N. Repeat one/N times the last cmd
N<command> Repeat the command N times,likes 2dd,3p
100icontent Write 100 times content,.->100 times again, 3.->3 times, not 300
<start position><command><end position> Command from start positon to end position,y,v (visual select), gU (uppercase), gu (lowercase) ...
0y$ Yank from beginning to end of this line
ye Yank from here to end of word
y2/foo Yank up to second foo
<action>a/i<object> Only be used after an operator in visual mode,action:y,d,v..., object:w,W,s,p,",',),},]
vis Select the current sentence
vip Select the current paragraph
Suppose the cursor is on the first o of (map (+) ("foo"))
vi" Select foo
va" Select "foo"
vi) Select "foo"
va) Select ("foo")
v2i) Select map (+) ("foo")
v2a) Select (map (+) ("foo"))
:[n]cnext To go to the [n] next one error
:copen All matches are available in the quickfix window which can be opened
qa,@a Start recording your actions in a register, replay the action,
@@ A shortcut to replay the last executed macro
"kyy Copy the current line into k register
"Kyy Append the current line into k register
"kp Paste k regiser
"+p Paste from system clipboard on Linux
"*p To paste from system clipboard on Windows (or from “mouse highlight” clipboard on Linux)
:reg To access all currently defined registers type
Suppose on a line containing only the number 1
qaYp<Ctrl-A>q qa Start recording Yp duplicate this line Ctrl-A increment the number q stop recording
@a Write 2 under the 1
@@ Write 3 under the 2
100@@ Create a list of increasing numbers until 103
Global: :g:%
ggvG$ Select all content
:%d delete every line
:%y yank every line
:%normal! >> indent every line
:g/^/d delete every line
:g/^/y yank every line
:g/^/normal! >> indent every line
NERDTree :NERDTree, :e . open NERDTree
:NERDTreeToggle open/close NERDTree -> remap shortcut, or short cmd
?, go help, only preview, not jump into file
i, s, t Open to a new hirizontal ,vertical window, or a tab
I, m display hidden files, open ‘add, delete, rename, …’ menu
:setlocal, :setglobal Check the local, global options
:set tabstop?, :set tabstop=4 return the local value, set local and global
Tags $VIMRUNTIME/doc/tags
:helpt[ags] Generate the help tags,’:hep :helpt’
set runtimepath? the patch including all plugins
ctags -R . Create tags index for the current directory
ctags -fields=+iaS --extra=+q -R . create tags index for C++, --c-kinds=+p for system head file
ctags --languages=c --langmap=c:.c.h --fields=+S -R . create tags file
Ctrl-], g-click, :tag <str> Jump to defined or declared location
g], :tj[ump] list, list and jump if only one
:sts[elect], :stj[ump] new window to list, list and jump if only one
:tn, :tN,:tp,:tf,:tr,:tl next, previous, first, last
:ts[elect], :tag list all the tags
Ctrl-W + Ctrl-], g], g<Ctrl-]> Open in new window
sudo python gen_systags.py generate tags for system head file
Tagbar :TagbarToggle Open tagbar
:copen Open quickfix
:cn, :cN, :cp, :cf, :cr, :cl next, previous, first, last
Coding :set makeprg=make\ -j4, make building
:make,F5 build
:AsyncRun ./test Run test asynchronously and redirect to quickfix window
gp, grepprg ‘help gp’ for ‘:grep’
:set tw=64 fo+=n + gq set linewidth = 64, number list to format content of code
gq, :help gq, help fo-tale Format the lines
gg=G Format the file
:%s/\s\+$//g Remove all trailing whitespace
:grep -R --include='*.c' --include='*.h' '\<printf\>' . all files who used ‘printf’
:command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file Make AsyncRun -program=make @ <args> run make asynchronously
K check the help document of word under the cursor, works for function
:help keywordprg to check help of K
Ctrl-p,Ctrl-n Looking backforward, looking forward
Ctrl-X Ctrl-F autocomplete filename or directory, ‘Ctrl-p’, ‘Ctrl-n’ to choose
Ctrl-X Ctrl-K autocomplete vocabulary
Ctrl-X Ctrl-O autocomplete code
gf, gx Jump to the file, link under the cursor
Ctrl-w f Jump to the file and open a new window
iconv -l check the formats what libiconv supports
:e ++ff=dos Load file with DOS EOL(End Of Line)
:%s/\r$// Dlelete of EOL, from DOS to Unix
:help fo-table t, c, q, r, o, l, n, w, a, chinese: m, M, B
:set fo+=r ..., -=r ... set option flags
set listchars+=tab:>-,space:_ set the tab, end-of-line spaces and
`:set list nolist`
:set linebreak Wrap long lines at ‘space, ‘, ., ?…’ rather than at the last char
gq{motion} Format the lines (like 72/80 chars each line)that {motion} moves over
J Connect mutiple lines to one line, the reverse of ‘gq’
Undotree :UndotreeToggle Open undotree window
J, K move in history list
vim-eunuch :Rename, Move file handle
fzf :Files,:FZF Open fuzzy matching to find unknown-name file
Binary vim -b, :e ++binary Edit binary
gvim->tools->convert to Hex
:%!xxd, %!xxd -r Covert to Hex
:setf xxd highlight binary file contents
:help using-xxd
YouCompleteMe Tab, DoubleTab select, autoecomplete
install vim-youcompleteme
vam install youcompleteme enable, link youcompleteme.vim to ~/.vim/plugin
:YcmCompleter RefactorRename bar rename the word under the cursor as bar
:YcmDiags Display issue of all codes , not only the current line
vim-fugitive :help fugitive
:G[it] pull, log ...
:Gwrite, :Gread Save and git add, git checkout or …
:Gmove, GRename, GDelete
:[0]Gclog Check the history with quickfix
:Git blame, :Git, :Gvdiff git blame, git status, git diff –stage
:G to enter fugitive first :help fugitive-staging-maps
s, u git add, revoke ‘s’
= open/clos the diff-view of the current file
o Open file in new split window
dv Compare to the stage area
cc :Git commit
[c, ]c Jump to previous/next modification
<Leader>hp Compare the modification block under the cursor to the stage area
<Leader>hs git add the modification block under the cursor
<leader>hu revoke the stage area
vim-airline a nice statusline at the bottom of each window
:AirlineExtensions all available airline extensions
:help airline
:AirlineToggle Open or close statusline
<Leader>cc comment the codes under the cursor
<Leader>cu remove comment, revoke ‘\cc’
<Leader>c<Space> comment/uncomment
<Leader>cb add comment
<Leader>cs add comment, a different comment
vim-visual-multi put cursur on multiple locations and then c, d, i …{motion}
:help vm-quickref
\\/ start search
n, q select and jump to next one, skip
\\A Select all directly
Ctrl-N search the word under the cursor, just likes ‘*’
\\\ add a cursor location manually
Terminal :help t_CTRL-W
:term[inal] [cmd] ++noclose/++close open a ternminal, and to not close/close when exiting shell
:vert term, :tab term
Ctrl-w 'N', Ctrl-\ Ctrl-N quit terminal, enter normal text terminal
a, i reactive terminal
Ctrl-W "<register> paste the value of
Ctrl-W . send ‘Ctrl-W’ to terminal
Ctrl-W Ctrl-\ send ‘Ctrl-' to ternminal
exit, Ctrl-D quit terminal
Ctrl-w Ctrl-c Force quit terminal
:packadd termdebug
:Termdebug start to debug
echofunc ‘tags is required for this plugin’
let g:EchoFuncAutoStartBalloonDeclaration = 0 disable the function prompt
Alt-=, Alt - to swith the function prototype declartion
Ctrl-\ <cmd> Execute cscope cmd in the current window
|<cmd> Execute cscope cmd in a new herizontal window
||<CMD> Execute cscope cmd in a new vertical window
apt install cscope
cscope -Rbq -i names.file Generate cscope database
cscope -Rbkq -i names.file Kernel mode
g find the global definition
s find the reference of symbol
d find the called function
c find who call this funciton
t find all locations where this text appears
e with ‘egrep’ to search
f According to filename to search, likes gf, f of vim.
i find who includes this file
a find where it is assigned
:cscope find g funcname, Ctrl-\ g, Ctrl-] find the definition of funcname
:scscope find g funcname, |g, Ctrl-w ] split the window
:vert scscope find g funcname, ||g vertically split the window
apt install clang-format
cp .vim/.clang-format . copy to the current project to make it work
Tab format code
python-mode ‘K’ for searching works
:Pymodeint check code format
:PymodeLintAuto Fix automaticly
:Ren[amer] rename
Ctrl-Del delete fiel
gu lowcase the selected word
Ctrl-V, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-X increase, decrease the number

More tips

write with sudo

:w !sudo tee %

# :w – Write a file (actually buffer).
# !sudo – Call shell with sudo command.
# tee – The output of write (vim :w) command redirected using tee.
# % – The % is nothing but current file name.

c2i{ to modify the content in {}.

if(count<100) {



# -> ```c2i{`


Complex repeats

q           -> record, * to search, qa to record content to a register
eabar<Esc> -> Modify foo under the cursor to foobar , ea -> append at end of foo
@ -> execute
q -> stop to record
@a -> repeat modification
qv -> Select last selected content
@@ -> repeat last macro


unnamed register "" : default,no " before opertation or "" . ""p = p
0..9: 0 - the latest yank(d,x,c...), 1..9 and so on. "0p -> paste 0 register content.
- -> delete less than one line, and not use '%,(,),`,/,?,n,N' to delete, the contents will save in '-' register
- a..z -> need user to point, quit vim will not clear. "ayy, "ap could always paste it until a is rewriten
- .,:,#,% -> uncommonly used, :help ".
- _ -> black hole register, for delete , likes /dev/null
- / -> last search pattern register, used for 'n' , 'hlsearch'...
- = -> expression register
- + -> system clipboard, help "+
- *,~ -> help "

"+yy -> yank to system clipboard , "+y12G -> yank to 12G

"+p -> paste from system clipboard

Access register:

normal mode -> d,y,p, "ayy...
Insert mode -> Ctrl-R<register>

swith two contents

  • d -> delete first content, unnamed register saved it
  • p -> select next content, p , unnamed register will saved new content
  • P -> Paste next content to first location


:v/<pattern>/d -> find not <pattern> content and delete to filter.
:g -> help :g ,find <pattern> content

:364,757y equals 364GV757Gy

:%s/pattern//ng -> Print matching message, and no changes will be made to buffer

`:global/pattern/print`, `:g/pattern` -> Display all <pattern> lines in a new window

Vim cheat sheet for programmers


Vim common cheat sheet
