
How to read and learn?

At times, fear may accompany certain things, but with repeated exposure and understanding, that fear dissipates. It’s akin to the fear of sleeping alone as a child; as you grow and become more familiar with the world, that fear gradually fades away.

The Pyramid Learning


If my purpose is to learn, read in following skills:

  • Pre-read the book/material super fast.
    • Preview it: Look at headings, subheadings, and any summaries or conclusions to get an overview.
    • Read a book in 4-5 minutes to find out what’s in it, and if it’s anything I need to know.
    • To be able to determine in 5 minutes: Should I even read this? Is this the right book?
  • Ask questions.
    • How will I use this?
    • Why is this important?
    • What applications does it have for the problem I’m trying to solve?
    • Look for what I know, and what I don’t know, and need to learn.
      • Don’t waste time learning what I know, I look for what I don’t know and need to learn.
      • Look for what I don’t understand and what is relevant to me.
      • Don’t need to know everything. I only need to know what I need to know. Spent too much time trying to learn everything and then didn’t remember anything.
      • What’s important is knowing the answers to the test questions if you’re in school, or knowing what your supervisors and clients want to know if you’re in business
    • Look for meaning and significance in what confused me, so now I understand it.
  • Pay more attention on the key things.
    • The first and last sentence/paragraph.
      • Usually the first tells you what’s coming, and the last tells you what came.
    • Vocabulary.
      • Mainly for the English book or some key concepts.
    • Names, nouns, numbers and verbs.
      • Who’s in the book and what did they do?
      • The people, things and their actions.
      • Any number. Date, statistic or formula.
      • Tables, charts, diagrams and so on.
    • In headers and sub-headers, what are the most important ideas in each section, the big takeaways?
    • What are the questions and answers?
  • Utilize recording while reading.
    • Highlight or underline, summarize what you have read.
    • Capture the main points(framework), organize essential data, questions as your read, fill in the highlights and stories.
    • Ask questions, make predictions, and connect what you’re reading to your own experience or knowledge tree.
    • Take notes.
      • What you’re learning?
      • What is your insights?
      • How will you use what you’ve just learned?
      • How did this book grab your attention and excite you?
        • A story, a joke? or anecdote? - more for writing skills.
  • Put the book aside and rehearse the content to yourself.
    • Visualize concepts.
      • Picture what you are leaning.
      • Envision yourself being successful at what you’re working on.
      • Imagine anything that helps.
    • Discuss/teach what you read.
  • Repetition is the key.


  • All reading skills
  • The Pomodoro Technique
    • 25 minutes and reward, like your favorite song …
    • You may catch your thoughts wandering, that’s normal, as soon as you do just bring it back.
    • Start with the Hardest questions, pull off as soon as you get stuck, go work on something else easier. then start on another hard problem. pull off, go back to something easier, and then go back to that hardest problem. …
  • Some good questions to ask when you’re learning something new:
    • What was the key idea here?
    • What did I really grasp?
    • Can I recall it or use it independently of having the book open right in front of me?
    • Ask more question.
  • View knowledge as sort of a semantic tree.
    • Understand the fundamental principles, i.e. the trunk and big branches.
    • Think more.
  • Summarize and deliberate practice.
    • Explain it in a way a 5-year-old could understand.
    • Do the exercise or practice it in time.
    • Flashcards/notes, Repeat it in your own words.
    • Use the power of metaphor
      • Explain even really complicated ideas using metaphors so that even kids can understand
      • For example, water is often used as the analogy for electrical current flow.
  • Persistence and flexibility is everything.
    • Stick it more than 1 hour every day. If you can’t, less is better than none.


Note for knowledge tree

“联想记忆法”的方法,比如,在学习 C++ 的时候,面对《C++ Primer》这种厚得不行的书,我就使用联想记忆法。我把 C++ 分成三部分。

  • 第一部分是 C++ 是用来解决 C 语言的问题的,那么 C 语言有什么问题呢?指针、宏、错误处理、数据拷贝…… C++ 用什么技术来解决这些问题呢?
  • 第二部分是 C++ 的面向对象特性:封装、继承、多态。封装,让我想到了构造函数、析构函数等。构造函数让我想到了初始化列表,想到了默认构造函数,想到了拷贝构造函数,想到了 new……多态,让我想到了虚函数,想到了 RTTI,RTTI 让我想到了 dynamic_cast 和 typeid 等。
  • 第三部分是 C++ 的泛型编程。我想到了 template,想到了操作符重载,想到了函数对象,想到 STL,想到数据容器,想到了 iterator,想到了通用算法,等等。



在学习某个技术的时候,我除了会用到上篇文章中提到的知识图,还会问自己很多个为什么。于是,我形成了一个更高层的知识脑图。下面我把这这个方法分享出来。当然学习一门技术时,Go 语言也好,Docker 也好,我都有一个学习模板。只有把这个学习模板中的内容都填实了,我才罢休。这个模板如下。

  • 这个技术出现的背景、初衷和要达到什么样的目标或是要解决什么样的问题。

  • 这个技术的优势和劣势分别是什么,或者说,这个技术的 trade-off 是什么。
    任何技术都有其好坏,在解决一个问题的时候,也会带来新的问题。另外,一般来说,任何设计都有 trade-off(要什么和不要什么),所以,你要清楚这个技术的优势和劣势,以及带来的挑战。

  • 这个技术适用的场景。

  • 技术的组成部分和关键点。

  • 技术的底层原理和关键实现。
    任何一个技术都有其底层的关键基础技术,这些关键技术很有可能也是其它技术的关键基础技术。所以,学习这些关键的基础底层技术,可以让你未来很快地掌握其它技术。可以参看我在 CoolShell 上写的 Docker 底层技术那一系列文章。

  • 已有的实现和它之间的对比。








Note for summary



确定学习的主题,比如 Java 锁优化的流程;然后确定学习框架,比如对于 Java 锁优化,这个框架可以是这样的:

  1. 锁优化出现的背景是怎样的,它是为了解决什么问题而出现的?
  2. 技术的关键点:偏向锁、轻量级锁、重量级锁;
    2.1. 偏向锁是啥?咋工作的?它解决了什么问题?它的适用场景是啥?它怎么解决的(它的工作流程)?它又引出了什么问题(它的缺点)?
    2.2. 轻量级锁是啥?咋工作的?……(参照前面)
  3. 根据这些锁的特性,Java 中锁的升级流程是怎样的?
    3.1. 无锁到加锁的过程;
    3.1. 偏向锁升级轻量级锁的时机和过程?
    3.2. 轻量级锁升级重量级锁的时机和过程?
  4. ……

