sed is a stream editer for filtering and transforming text.
First of all, we need to know the following three points:
replace command: s
pattern space and hold space
man sed
tips and example
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sed 's/old/new/' file
# -e , add the commands to be executed sed -e 's/old/new/' -e 's/old/new/' file # -> equals sed 's/old/new/;s/old/new/' file
# add the contents of script-file to the commands to be executed sed -f <script> file
# Replace and re-write the original file sed -i 's/old/new/''s/old/new/' file
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# separator can be '!', '#','@' .... not only '/' sed 's!/!abc!' file # replace '/' with 'abc'
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sed 's/<regex>/new/' file sed -r 's/<extended regex>/new/' file head -5 /etc/passwd | sed 's/...//'# delete the first three characters of the first 5 lines head -5 /etc/passwd | sed 's/s*bin//'# delete the first bin,sbin,ssbin... of the first 5 lines grep root /etc/passwd | sed 's/^root//'# delete the root at start of line sed -r 's/(a.*b)/\1:\1/' file # (a.*b):(a.*b), .* -> means 0 or more any char('.'); `\1` means the first ()
# /s/old/new/2 # replace the second match # /s/old/new/g # Globally replace # /s/old/new/p # Print(Output) the replaced line(pattern space) one more time
# p, P, -n sed -n '/s/old/new/p'# Only output the replaced line, '-n' to stop the default output. sed -n '/<regex>/p'# Only output the <regex> line
# d, D sed '/<regex>/d;='# when encounter <regex> , delete the pattern space and exit the current sed motion, '=' print the line number
# /<regex>/s/old/new/g # <line num>s/old/new/g '/root/s/bash/!/'# replace bash with ! in the line including root. 1,$s/old/new/g # replace from the first line to the last line '/^bin/,$s/nologin/!/g'# replace from the bin start of line to the end of line
# a[ppend],i[nsert],c[modify] sed '<regex>/a <content>'# append <content> at the next line of <regex> sed '<regex>/i <content>'# insert <content> at the previous line of <regex> sed '<regex>/c <content>'# Modify the line of <regex> as <content>
# r,w sed '<regex>/r <file>'# Read <file> and append to <regex> sed '<regex>/w file"'# Write the <regex> line to file sed -n '/s/old/new/w file.txt'# write the replaced lines to file.txt
# q -> quit, time summarize system resource usage time sed '10q'# Faster, read and print 10 lines and then quit time sed -n '1,10p'# Slower, read all and filter 10 lines
# n,N - Read the next line of input into the pattern space sed 'N;s/<first line>\n<second line>/<new line>'
# hold space, line break exists in default. # h H # Copy pattern space to hold space # g G # Copy hold space to pattern space # x # swith hold space and pattern space # 4 ways to concatenate and print files in reverse cat -n file | tac cat -n file | sed -n '1h;1!G;$1x;$p' cat -n file | sed -n '!G;h;$p' cat -n file | sed -n 'G;h;$!d'
Remeber to use man sed.
awk is a pattern scanning and processing language, likes a little system.
Fist of all, we need to know the following four points:
record means line
field means the content separeted by separator.
How to write?
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BEGAIN action: BEGIN{} Main action: {} END action: END{}
man awk
Tips and example
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# The separator is space or tab in default. $0: Represents the entire line of text. $1: Represents the first field. $2: Represents the second field. $n: Represents the n field. $NF: Represents the last field.
awk '{print $1,$2,$3}' file # Separate each line with space and tab ,and print the first three field. awk -F ',''{print $1,$2,$3}' file # Separate each line with ',' and print the first three field. awk '/^menu/{print $0}' /boot/grub2/grub.cfg # print the line starting with 'menu' awk -F "'"'/^menu/{print $2}' /boot/grub2/grub.cfg # print the second field(kernel version) of lines with "'" awk -F "'"'/^menu/{print x++,$2}' /boot/grub2/grub.cfg # print kernel version with line number, x is 0 in default
NF: The number of fields in the current input record NR: The total number of input records seen so far FS: The input field separator, a space by default, default separator is decided by this var. OFS: The output field separator, a space by default FNR: The input record number in the current input file
# Get username head -5 /etc/passwd | awk -F ":"'{print $1}' head -5 /etc/passwd | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print $1}' head -5 /etc/passwd | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":";OFS="-"}{print $1,$2}'# username-$2
# Separete line with ':' and output fields head -5 /etc/passwd | awk 'BEGIN{RS=":"}{print $0}'
# Add line number before fields head -5 /etc/passwd | awk '{print NR,$0}'
head -5 /etc/passwd | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print $NF}'# the last field of every record(line) head -5 /etc/passwd | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print NF}'# the total nubmer of fields of every record
awk '{if($2>=80) print $1}' score.txt # output name got more than 80 awk '{if($2>=80) {print $1? print $2}}' score.txt # output name and the first score head -1 score.txt | awk '{for(c=2;c<=NF;c++) print $c}'# output the first student's score head -1 score.txt | awk '{for(c=2;c<=NF;c++) sum+=$c;print sum}'# output the total score of the first student awk '{sum=0; for(c=2;c<=NF;c++) sum+=$c;print sum}' score.txt # output the total score of all students
# Store and print the sum of avarage score awk '{ sum=0; for(column=2;column<=NF;column++) sum+=$column;avg[$1]=sum/(NF-1)}END{ for(student in avg) print student,avg[student]}' score.txt
# Store all avarage score and get sum, print avarage of the sum of avarage score awk '{ sum=0; for(column=2;column<=NF;column++) sum+=$column;avg[$1]=sum/(NF-1)}END{ for(student in avg) sum2+=avg[student];print sum2/NR}' score.txt
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# ARGC : The num of argument # ARGV : The arguments cat > arg.awk <<EOF BEGIN{ for(x=0;x<ARGC;x++) print ARGV[x] print ARGC } EOF