之前为了让终端炫酷好用,配置了 Terminator + Oh My ZSH + autosuggestions + highlighting + Agnoster theme + powerline fonts + solarized colors
不够 Terminal + Tmux
酷,所以最近决定切回 Terminal + Tmux
是 Ubuntu
的基本用法,做一个备忘录。 Tmux
除了分屏功能外,还有一个功能我很喜欢,即 persistent
,也就是运行在 Tmux
中的程序在其断开前会一直保持运行状态。譬如:远程登录服务器,通过 Tmux
运行程序,即使本地登录客户端断开,程序也会保持运行,除非我们在服务器端退出 Tmux
中的所有命令在执行前都需要一个前缀, 默认为 C-b
表示Ctrl + b
1 | tmux |
1 | # Kill server and all sessions |
Actually, the following command is all we need to know at the first time:
1 | man tmux |
Commands Cheat Sheet
# | Commands | Comments |
Session | C-b s |
List the sessions |
C-b $ |
Rename the current session | |
C-b ? |
Display help page, to get a list of all commands | |
C-b d |
Detach from the Tmux session, the program running in the Tmux will continue to run | |
C-b D |
Choose one session to detach | |
C-b L |
Swicth the attached clinet back to the last session | |
tmux ls |
To get a list of the currently runnning sessions | |
tmux attach[-session] -t name |
Re-attach to |
tmux rename[-session] -t old_name new_name |
Rename old_name session to new_name | |
Window | C-b c |
Create a new window (with shell) |
C-b w |
List the windows | |
C-b , |
Rename the current window | |
C-b p |
Switch to the previous window | |
C-b n |
Switch to the next window | |
C-b <number> |
Switch to window |
C-b ! |
Break the current pane out to a new window | |
C-b f |
Promt to search for text in open windows | |
Pane | C-b % |
Split current pane horizontally into two panes |
C-b " |
Split current pane vertically into two panes | |
C-b o |
Go to the next pane | |
C-b ; |
Toggle between the current and previous pane | |
C-b arrows,HIJK |
Move among panes | |
C-b z |
Make a pane go full screen. Hit C-b z again to shrink it back to its previous size | |
C-b } |
Swap the position of the current pane with the next | |
C-b { |
Swap the position of the current pane with the previous | |
C-b-arrows |
Resize the window | |
C-b C-arrows |
Resize pane in direction of |
C-b q |
Make tmux briefly flash the number of each pane. | |
C-b x |
Close the current pane | |
C-b [ , C-b PgUp |
Enter vim editting mode, copy mode | |
C-b ] |
Paste the most recently copied buffer | |
C-b t |
Show time in the current pane |
1 | # tmux configuration |