# Move around Use the arrow cursor keys , or "h" to go left, "j" to go down, "k" to go up, "l" to go right.
0 - Go to the first column ^ - Go to the first non-blank character of the line $ - Go to the last column g_ - Got to the last non-blank character of line fa - Go to next occurence of the letter `a` on the line. , - Find the next occurrence ; - Find the previous occurrence t, - Go to just before the character `,` 3fa - Find the 3rd occurrence of `a` on this line F/T - Like `f` and `t` but backward
G - Go last line gg - Go first line
# Go specified line. NG - Go to line N :N - Go to line N
w - Go to the start of the following word e - Go to the end of this word
% - Go to the corresponding (, {, [
* - Go to next occurrence of the word under the cursor # - Go to previous occurrence of the word under the cursor
# search for pattern /pattern n next N above
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y - Copy the content from the current cursor to next cursor. Controled by arrow keys or `h\j\k\l` yy - Copy the current line 3yy - Copy the following three lines. y$ - Copy content from cursor to end of line.
d - Delet the content from the current cursor to next cursor. Controled by arrow keys or `h\j\k\l` dd - Delete (and copy) the current line d$ - Cut content from cursor to end of line.
p - Paste
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r - Replace R - Continuous replacement x - Delete one char
dt" - Remove everything until `"`
1 2
u - Undo Ctrl + r - Redo
Repeat commands
. will repeat the last command.
N<command> will repeat the command N times
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# examples 2dd - will delete 2 lines 3p - will paste the text 3 times 100idesu [ESC] - will write “desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu” . - Just after the last command will write again the 100 “desu”. 3. - Will write 3 “desu” (and not 300, how clever).
0 - go to the beginning of this line y - yank from here $ - up to the end of this line
ye - yank from here to the end of the word y2/foo - yank up to the second occurrence of “foo”. ...
# These command can only be used after an operator in visual mode <action>a<object> <action>i<object>
action: d (delete), y (yank), v (select in visual mode) object: `w` a word, `W` a WORD (extended word), `s` a sentence, `p` a paragraph. But also, natural character such as `", ', ), }, ]`. Suppose the cursor is on the first o of `(map (+) ("foo"))`. vi" - will select foo. va" - will select "foo". vi) - will select "foo". va) - will select ("foo"). v2i) - will select map (+) ("foo") v2a) - will select (map (+) ("foo"))
Insert Mode
Insert Mode is edit mode, there is nothing to write.
:e <patch/to/file> # Open file. :saveas <patch/to/file> # Save to/as <patch/to/file> :w filename , save as filename :q! # Quit without saving :qa! # Quit even if there are modified hidden buffers :wq, :x, or ZZ # Save and quite,(:x only save if necessary) Vim 写隐藏文件 .swap ,保存时才替换
# vi x.file y.file :bn # Show next file(buffer) :bp # Show previous file(buffer)
Use shell commands temporarily in Vim.
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# Convenient to copy patch information, etc. :! (eg, :!ifconfig) :!which shutdown
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:s/old/new # Replace first ‘old’ of current line. :s/old/new/g # Replace all 'old' of current line. :%s/old/new # Replace first 'old' of every line of current file. :%s/old/new/g # Replace globally all 'old' of current file. :3,5s/old/new(/g) # Replace (all) 'old' between 3 and 5 line.
Visual Mode
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# enter visual mode v # Character visual mode, operate in units of characters. V # Line visual mode, Operate in uinits of lines. Ctrl + v # Block visual mode, Operate in uinits of blocks.
# operating cmd 'I'# Insert content in the upper left corner of the block. 'Esc'# Press behind `I` in succession, insert the same content at the beginning of the block line. 'd'# Delete the block.